In-House Trademark Clearance Search
Most lawyers and services will charge you a fee, run a quick search, find some conflicting marks and then tell you that your mark isn’t available – they might even offer you a second (equally valueless) search for free. The Kinder Law Group does things differently (better) than others.
A trademark attorney with The Kinder Law Group will conduct a search of the Trademark Office records, thoroughly evaluate the search results, fully investigate any risks and then consult with you on the findings. If there are potential showstoppers, we don’t just give up….we look for vulnerabilities because our goal is to clear your mark. If we simply cannot see a way around something, then yes, we also offer a second search at no additional charge.
Our flat fee depends on a few factors, but we will explain all of that during your free consultation.
So Pay Nothing Today…..Simply Call Or Submit The Following Form To Get Started.
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