Comprehensive Trademark Search
The Kinder Law Group offers an in-house search that is the best value you will find in the legal industry. However, for clients that need a clearance search that is as comprehensive in nature as the clearance searches that are used by large Fortune 500 companies, we also offer that level of clearance search. The cost is higher than our in-house clearance search because The Kinder Law Group sources the comprehensive search results from the leading U.S. third party database company and includes their costs in our flat fee.
A trademark attorney with The Kinder Law Group will review and analyze the database search results and provide you with a written report and recommendation. The standard turnaround time is 4 business days to obtain the database search report from our vendor and another 2 business days for a trademark attorney to review and analyze the report.
Our flat fee includes the cost of the database search report from our third party vendor, but we will explain all of that during your free consultation.
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